We've not only been waiting/ preparing for the holidays, the wedding, and for Baby Brother Susie's arrival... Here are some pics of some of the other fun things we've been up to...
Last Sunday we went to "Breakfast with Santa" hosted by the youth group at our Church. How old would you guess Santa is? My money is on 13! Owen was quite excited to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what he wanted for Christmas. When Santa asked, Owen said, "I want a baby brother." To which Santa replied, "Then I will bring you one." Thank goodness we can follow through on that promise. I'm not quite sure why Owen looks so serious in the picture, but this was the best we could do. After baby brother arrives, we're going to try to find a better Santa visit!
That was a big day for Owen. After he got up from his nap, we met some friends at Zoolights at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
This was Owen's third annual visit to the Zoolights and we had a lot of fun. We saw a leopard hacking on a hairball and spent quite a lot of time in the monkey house. The zoo is free and we got free parking, too, which made it an even better evening with our friends! They also had free craft projects for the kids.
These pictures are both before Owen decorated his antlers. He did a great job and has been sporting them at least once a day around the house ever since!
For some reason, I thought we might be okay to not bring the stroller. Poor Mike spent the next few days with sore shoulders!
This was Owen's third annual visit to the Zoolights and we had a lot of fun. We saw a leopard hacking on a hairball and spent quite a lot of time in the monkey house. The zoo is free and we got free parking, too, which made it an even better evening with our friends! They also had free craft projects for the kids.
These pictures are both before Owen decorated his antlers. He did a great job and has been sporting them at least once a day around the house ever since!
And here Owen is, enjoying the first snow of the year. Amazingly, it just came last week. We have been pretty blessed to have a mild fall overall (today it is 10 and bitterly cold!) He requested to get out his sand toys and had a great time!
We also had a cookie exchange with our Wednesday morning playgroup. Just what every 37 week pregnant woman wants to have at their house... dozens of Christmas cookies :o)
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