Monday, March 2, 2009

Swimming Lessons

For the last 6 weeks, Mike and Owen have been taking swimming lessons on Sunday afternoons at Northwestern. They have been having a blast. I've been enjoy sleeping in a quiet house and Owen taking extra long afternoon naps on Sunday. Mike thought I might want to drag myself out of bed early and watch Owen swim take some pictures yesterday. I was sleepy, but so happy I got to go and see how much fun they have!

Here they are, excitedly awaiting their swim lesson...

Circle time singing "Wheels on the bus"

Showing off for Mommy

So sweet!

Jumping in

The kids are standing on this platform with a bar on top. They love it because they can stand up in the water. As you can see, Owen and Mike have a great time at swimming lessons. I think they are going to sign up for the next session, too!