And, crashed out after a busy day :o) Maybe we should retire the changing pad or put it away for the baby, huh?!
And here is his apple chalkboard shirt. Sunday, we decided to make a trip to Apple Holler and the outlet mall in Kenosha. Great time to show off his new shirt!
The goats were a big hit!
The goats were a big hit!
The navigators...
Apple picking with Grammy
Owen spent most of the day insisting on "helping" pull the wagon...
We finally got him to sit down and enjoy the ride. It was super hot that day and I was about ready to ride in the wagon if Owen wouldn't!
Here he is, nice and happy after a nap on the ride home. He's excited about his new football, which Mike bought him at the Nike outlet. He also got a new winter coat and boots, 2 new pairs of winter jammies (including some awesome super hero jammies - photos to follow!), and new dress shoes and tennis shoes. It was a good day to be Owen! But then again, when isn't it a good day to be Owen :o)
Here we are enjoying free day at the Field Museum with friends Eva and Andrew. I think the kids were playing with some exhibit about tar pits... Not quite sure, but they had a great time!
Owen had a great time picking the corn off of the stalks and then cooking it in the children's area. Hopefully will make it to another free day at the Field soon!
Love the Lederhosen! Owen is getting so big. Sounds like things are going well.
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