Saturday, November 29, 2008

Family fun...

Saturday, we got up and went to the children's museum.

We haven't been for awhile, so Owen had a great time re-discovering all of the fun things there are to do there.

They are having a special train exhibit right now and Owen is very into trains, so he had a great time!
Sunday, we went to church and left Owen in the nursery. I know, exciting morning! It was so pleasant to be awake and alert for Mass and not have to spend it chasing after Owen. After Mass, we went to brunch at the Dixie Kitchen. It was delicious. We also got some new, easier to put on mittens for Owen.

Mike and I didn't get a date night, but we did watch some great 80's movies on instant Netflix. Again, I know it might not sound like too exciting of a weekend to most people, but we had a great time just being together and awake!