Friday, August 22, 2008

Millenium Park (again!)

Yesterday we went with our neighbors, Liane and Andrew, to Millenium Park again. We had a blast!

Here is a little video of Owen dancing to the Wiggleworms! He was eating his snack and having a great time. Afterwords, we played with the jump ropes.

Owen wanted to wrap up in the jump ropes. He thought they made a very nice accessory!

Also, I finally got a cute picture of the boys together.

They were having fun looking at each other through a window in the tent.

We also had an unexpected visitor...

Owen was so excited to see him! At first, he was a little confused by the suit, though!

I was happy to see Mike, too!

This trip ended much like the first! Next week, we're going to try and find an accessible way to take the water taxi. Wish us luck with that!