Sunday, January 27, 2008

Catching up...

Finally, some new pictures!
Well, our blogging for '08 hasn't been too impressive. We've had many more fun firsts with Owen. Here is his first teething cracker. (Yes, it is crusted on his eyelashes. Clean up time wasn't fun for anybody!)

His first bagel...

And lots of fun and general silliness!

One night we checked on him before heading off to bed and found him with his legs crossed and hanging out of the crib...

Another afternoon, he escaped and peed on the rug during a pants change. He was very proud of his puddle! You might notice the pee spot in front of and to the left of Owen's left leg.

He is a super active 10 month old, always on the go!

And pulling up everywhere...

Did I mention he's teething?! He has 7 teeth now!!! So much for our nice bookcases... I guess it will always be a memory of Owen's teething pains :o)

As Owen is doing so many fun, new things each day, I will try to be a little more up to date with the blog. He has become much more adventuresome with his standing all by himself. He seems so have found a little bit of balance over the weekend. Also, in the last week or so, he's figured out how to throw. I'll try to get Mike to get a video of Owen and Lola playing fetch!